March: More, Please


“More” is the rallying cry of industrial growth, of capitalism, of cancer cells—of recklessness and greed. Those of us who have woken up to what’s at stake in this kind of growth usually say “Stop!” Stop cutting down forests, stop hydrofracking, stop racist policing, stop the entire oppressive system. There are so many things we want to stop; it can become exhausting. Like in a garden overrun with weeds, we can spend our entire lives beating back the plants that are choking the ones we want to grow. But this month, we emphasize that introducing more of what we want is just as important as eradicating what we don’t want.

More, Please is a spell for calling in a dizzying abundance of what we want to see grow in this world. This month, we ask that you join us in reclaiming the call for more—rather than shed this culture’s excess, we ask that you open up your arms, your throat, and your heart to identify and call in the bounty you wish to create in this world.

More dreams, more playfulness, more time. More elephants, more flying tree frogs, more springtails, more orcas. More songs, more forms of beauty. More bodies, more genders, more experiments, more surprises. More experiences, more complexity, more wonder, more nourishment, more resilience. More friends, more ways of showing love, more bonding, more laughter, more wisdom.

Calling for more of all these things means creating a world where there is less room for the “progress” that merely produces more of the same, over and over.  

About the spell

This month’s spell is to encourage the growth of whatever you are wanting more of in your life. It is also a sincere request that you show up more and more to the moments of your life—to all the feelings, all the wishes, all the subtle and mighty changes.

This is a spell for your heart and your imagination. It’s about coming back to life and being daring enough to desire again. This spell asks us to walk together to the limits of our imagination only to find there are none—so dream big. Dream really, really big. Dream more often, louder, and with more of your friends... Dream with us, more and more, please.

Meditation on More, Please

To begin this meditation, find a place that is relatively comfortable and let your body find a position that feels natural and as relaxed as possible. Notice the places where your body meets whatever surface it is resting on—the bottom of your seat, your feet, perhaps your whole back body—and let a few rounds of breath simply come and go as you settle into place. As much as you are able, rest your attention on the experience of breathing—the rises and the falls and the gorgeous spaces in between. You are your breath, and you are all the gorgeous spaces before and after your breath. You are the whole cycle of your breath and you are right here, watching the cycle unfurl. Isn’t that incredible? You are, and you are watching what is, all at the same time. Here, in your enduring company, consider what you want more of in your life... What feels as though it is missing? Where do you feel deprived? What do you grip to, afraid of being without? What do you ache for the most? Take a moment and watch what happens in your body and your breath as you consider these threads of wanting and lacking. This is brave work, walking towards these aching places—take your time; perhaps stop here and return again another day; go only as far as you feel drawn to go right now.

And then, whenever it feels right, bring the light of your attention back to your feelings of aching and wanting, back to the sensation of longing and lacking. Let yourself feel every aching crevice of this terrain. The more familiar you get with this landscape, the more specific your dreaming will become. To be this intimate with what you crave allows you to imagine what you desire in vivid detail. Here, in this place where you are starving, in this place where you imagine you are empty and in need, a great fire burns. All fires must be fed—but no fire is ever satisfied. What if you no longer wished for this wanting to be over, but instead you turned to the heart of your burning desire and asked for "more, please." More wanting, more learning. More living, please. Stay here as long as you'd like and get to know the heat of who you are. As you get familiar with your hunger you can pour your dreams into that empty space, where they can finally take shape. Perhaps being here for a long time, or stopping by here regularly, will help you recognize the presence of desire where before you only noticed the absence of what you want...

Let your breath carry you out of this meditation, just as it carried you in. And may the warmth of your wanting be welcome in your life—may it burn bright enough to guide you.

About the painting:

Corina: My favorite thing about this painting is the beautiful range of colors Jo used to paint each elephant, really underlining the purpose of the spell. Each creature comes alive as unique, as very much that elephant and not a generic idea of an elephant. This is where art and magic intersect so beautifully—I feel like this painting helps me see more abundance and complexity in a space where I’d assumed I’d just see monochrome gray.  

Jocelyn: I am really struck by the composition of these of elephants—Corina's eye amazes me. She has a way of creating images exactly as they ought to be. I distinctly remember the patient joy of painting these beasts, of never over-working them. I think these elephants taught me how to paint with gouache, finally—it’s a bit counter intuitive, painting with a medium where less is more. 

This Month:

We've got a sale going on this image for the whole month of March! Buy a print of More, Please and get 15% off, using the coupon code: MOREPLEASE.

This month, Corina is teaching astrology and social justice classes at Portland School of Astrology, and seeing clients in her new office in Olympia! Keep up with Corina by following her on Instagram, @corinadross

This month, Jocelyn is in yet another month of graduate school limbo. She is enjoying a gradual shift of focus calling in all the Dreaming she needs to cross the thresholds at hand. You can get a glimpse of what this looks like on Instagram at @jocelyncorvus and you can find Abacus Corvus at @abacuscorvus.