June: Sing the Evening

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Here in the Northern Hemisphere, June is the brightest of summer months, with the longest stretches of daylight—yet we bring you a spell about twilight. Let this spell offer you refuge from the day’s heat, by surrounding you with the cool, blue hum of evening. One thing we love about the word “evening” is that it is both a noun and a verb: it is that time when day becomes night, and it is the act of smoothing and balancing out. One word, made from two meanings. Just like twilight is one atmosphere made from two: the day blurring with the night.

Like the sun, our conscious awareness illuminates all the distinctions between things. We can tell this from that. But at dusk, the light starts fading and everything is saturated by a deepening blue… In this kind of light, distinctions soften and blur. The mind is less inclined to sort and order what it is on the surface; twilight pulls us into a deeper realm.


How do you sing the evening? Have you heard an evening song? Working with this spell can be as simple as taking yourself out at twilight to bathe in the blue. You could also preempt the darkness by closing your eyes and letting your ears swallow all the sounds of night. To work with this spell less literally, you can bring a twilight-like awareness with you as you encounter anything that feels too harsh.

To work with this month’s spell, consider our most obvious conscious awareness as being a well-lit, daytime space. This is where we see what needs to be done, and we make a plan to do it. Just like the sun, our conscious awareness illuminates the distinctions between things, which then helps us categorize and contextualize what we see. And by these methods, we claim to know about things, people, places, events. 

This month, we intentionally move into a state of mind is that more like twilight. There is still light to see by, but it has swallowed up all other colors, and all that remains is blue. At blue time, our minds unfocus and our senses are alive. 


~ In It Together~
Jo & Corina