Well, that was easy...

F'real. I (Jo) just picked up the first proof of Safe Passage!! 
A few color corrections and we're good to go... it's TIME! 

Me and Corina set up in Mom & Robert's living room on Whidbey Island.

Corina and I have been collaborating on calendars for six years now. Every year we are one year wiser, which may have something to do with our annual declaration that the newest calendar is "the best one yet."

In that regard, this year is no different. But this year was really something special. 

Choosing the theme for the year can be one of the trickiest parts of our process. Here's how this year's process went:

Jocelyn of Several Months Ago (JOSMA):

Sister friend! Do you want to talk about the theme for next year's calendar?

Corina of Several Months Ago (COSMA):

Yeah! I don't know if this will work, but I just keep thinking about how I want to make small spells. 


Ooh, yeah! What makes them small?


Well, I was thinking of something you'd put on an altar. Something to help you focus. Not small in scope, but small in size. Does that make sense?


I like it. It's in line with all my tripper ideology and professional goals. 


Cool. That was easy.

It was really that easy. And the whole creative process echoed the alignment and focus that we experienced in this conversation. It was a blessing for us—and fitting, since we filled this calendar full of blessings for you. 

You can preorder the calendar right now! And tell your friends. 

Starting January 2017 we'll be sharing monthly meditations on each spell, stories about how we made that piece, and more good stuff we are currently scheming about. STAY TUNED!